The Full Color gene on the C allele is the most dominate. You have 100% of the yellow pigment and black pigment present on the animal.
Agoutis are most dominate (Agouti is represented by A on the allele) Agouti color can vary widely; between rufus factoring, umbros factoring, wideband, and other modifiers the color from one agouti to the next even in the same litter can be drastic. Always ID your agoutis by their base color and not what you think it looks like. Agoutis start with the most dominate on E allele Steel which is Es, then to full extension E-, then to Harlequin ej-, and end at non extension ee.
Chestnut- Rich chestnut brown with black ticking, distinct ring color with a slate blue under color eyes are brown. Kits are born black with white agouti markings and as they mature the yellow pigment that gives them their rich chestnut brown coloring appears. Genotype is A-B-C-D-E-
Copper-Brilliant Red Chestnut with jet black ticking, distinct ring color and a slat blue under color, eyes are brown. Kits are born black with white agouti markings and as they mature the yellow pigment comes in a brilliant red color. Genotype is the same as Chestnut except for the Rufus factoring stacking giving Copper this brilliant red color instead of the more brown color of a normal chestnut. A-B-C-D-E- Rufus (+,++,+++,++++)
Wild Grey- Dark Chestnut brown with lots of black ticking, distinct ring color with dark slate blue under color. Wild Grey are born black with white agouti markings and slowly gain the chestnut coloring to their coat, they get a limited amount of the brown in their coat giving them a much darker appearance than a normal Chestnut. Genotype is the same as Chestnut except for the theorized Umbros factoring gene which is a stacking gene similar to rufus. The more + on the Umbros gene the darker the wild grey is. A-B-C-D-E- Umbros (+,++,+++,++++)
Opal- a tan with blue ticking, distinct ring color with a blue under color, eyes are blue grey. Kits are born blue with white agoutis markings and as they mature the yellow pigment comes in to give them the rich tan coloring with the blue ticking. Genotype is A-B-C-dd-E- (you could have rufus factoring or umbros factoring on opals)
Chocolate Agouti- Rich chestnut with brown ticking, distinct ring pattern with a dove grey undercolor, eyes brown. Kits are born chocolate with white agouti markings and as they mature the yellow pigment gives them their rich chestnut brown coloring. Genotype is A-bbC-D-E- (you can have rufus factoring or umbros factoring on a chocolate agouti)
Lynx- a tan with lilac ticking, distinct ring pattern with a pale dove grey undercolor, eyes are lilac grey. Kits are born lilac with white agouti markings and as they mature they gain the tan coloring. Genotype is A-bbC-ddE- (you can have rufus factoring or umbros factoring on a lynx)