What is a Guardian Program, how does it work and what benefits are there to this? Hang tight because I am long winded. You will see very few websites out there like mine as I love to talk and write! I want you to get to know me and what we are all about so I have this open book here for you to read lol.
A Guardian Program allows a family to get a free poodle to join them in their home forever. I will own the breeding rights to this poodle until its contract is fulfilled at approximately age 5. At this time, I will have the poodle spayed and you own the dog forever. We cover all reproductive expenses for the duration of the contract, you are responsible for all of the normal expenses of owning a dog except the purchase price is waived.
I'll begin by saying that we do not own a kennel and do not have any plans on owning a kennel in the future. Many moons ago, I actually did own a kennel. So I'm not trying to be a hypocrite. It was my home away from home, state of the ark, spa where I also groomed for the public as well. My children were young then and got off the school bus at the kennel most days! I had employees and all the dogs got so much attention that they wouldn't have had it any other way. I moved and now it is many years later, I don't groom professionally any longer. I work from home with all of my animals and I don't think my dogs would enjoy it if I put them in a kennel environment.
Some counties, or most areas I'll say, limit you to the number of dogs you can own. Our county does not have a limit on them as far as where we live but a breeding business is different. First, I must say that I can only care for so many dogs before it becomes overwhelming and they would have to fight for attention. It would be disrespectful to my family for me to force my passion on them and their living environment as well. This would be unfair to them and the dogs. Poodles are very sensitive and emotional fur babies. They love like no other, they are so eager to please and they are loyal to their death. You must know that dogs love unconditionally , who can say this about most humans? This brings me to the conclusion of how we run our business. Our dogs that are in our breeding program are all 100% poodles (verified through Embark DNA Health testing), they are also 100% family pets.
Requirements for becoming one of our Guardian families. If you are local to the Peoria IL area and would like to become part of our foster program. Here is how it works.
live within 2 hours of Dunlap/Peoria Illinois (negotiable)
have experience as a dog pet owner and references
have an established veterinarian to maintain all required vaccinations and vetting or use our vet
have or know of an experienced or referred dog groomer for a maintenance grooming schedule
will feed our choice of feed or approved foods only
take on all house and obedience training needed (does not have to be professional as long as it is done)
agree to comply with our safety rules for housing and traveling with the poodle (leashed or fenced when outdoors, dogs lives indoors)
children (if any) in the home must be disciplined on how to properly treat a dog/puppy (acceptable behavior)
accept full responsibility for the original purchase price of the dog if an accidental death occurs
notify us of any injury or accident immediately
have no plans of moving out of the area or agrees to comply with contract if a move is necessary
must notify us of any address changes at all times until contract is fulfilled
accepts full ownership for the dog once her contract is fulfilled (at 5-6 years of age) after we have her spayed
provide photos to be used on the website
allow a home visit with reasonable notice if needed
If you can agree to all of the above, our Guardian foster program is for female puppies only (males decided on a case by case basis). If you would like to have a poodle from us and do not care that you do not own it for the first 5 to 6 years, you foster the dog in your home as if it were your own. Training (including crate training, and obedience), annual vaccinations, teeth cleaning as necessary per veterinarian, annual vet exam, scheduled maintenance grooming, food, treats, bedding, toys and daily supplies, NuVet vitamins, dog licensing, and continued socialization and love for a lifetime are all your responsibility. We will cover all reproductive costs and spaying her when her contract is fulfilled. You are responsible for having reliable transportation to bring her to us when she is in heat if we are going to breed her. You must notify us of the first signs of her coming in season (heat). She will spend approximately one week with us for breeding or you can bring her to us once a day for an hour at a time that week for breeding and she can return home each day. She must be returned to us a few days prior to her due date and remain with us until the puppies are completely weaned.
Extra attention is given in our dogs' diets. We do recommend you feed a special food but it is certainly negotiable due to the extra expense. We prefer raw and will discuss this with each person individually. We also would love for you to brush your dogs teeth multiple times a week if at all possible. This can save them from having to go under anesthesia to have their teeth cleaned annually. I will not enforce this but do request that you try. Getting a dental done at the vet office is very expensive so if you want to avoid this annual cost, it's worth the effort I promise! Food can be discussed individually so it is not an inconvenience for any Guardian home. After reading all of the above and you are still interested, please take the time to fill out aGuardian Home Application.