Gold Tipped Black steel- This color is a black based rabbit with gold ticking, the agouti markings are a medium grey color as apposed to the white belly of a chestnut, eyes are brown. Kits are born looking like a self black and develop ticking as they mature. Genotype is A-B-C-D-Es-
Gold Tipped Blue steel - This color is a Blue based rabbit with gold ticking, the agouti markings are a medium blue color as opposed to the white belly of an Opal, eyes are blue grey. Kits are born looking like a self blue and develop ticking as they mature. Genotype is A-B-C-ddEs-
Gold Tipped Chocolate steel- This color is a Chocolate based rabbit with gold ticking, the agouti markings are a medium Chocolate color as opposed to the white belly of a chocolate agouti, eyes are brown. Kits are born looking like a self Chocolate and develop ticking as they mature. Genotype is A-bbC-D-Es-
Gold Tipped Lilac Steel- This color is a lilac based rabbit with gold ticking, the agouti markings are a medium Lilac color as opposed to the white belly of a Lynx, eyes are lilac grey. Kits are born looking like a self Lilac and develop ticking as they mature. Genotype is Abb-C-ddEs- * Steel is a unique gene that can be tricky to breed and can hide for generations behind self and pop up seemingly out of no where. Much like all agouti colors Steel can vary a lot in color. Some steels have very little ticking and almost look self (modifiers plus theorized umbros factoring) and some have a lot of ticking and can almost appear to be a muddy regular agouti . Wideband gene can also alter the appearance of Steel. Wideband steels can often look like a dark and muddy agouti with a dark belly. A steel that carries for non extension often looks like a self even when its actually an agouti. For the best steels you need to always breed steel to agoutis that are AA on the A allele and full extension EE on the E allele. The best marked Steels will not be wideband and have no umbros factoring and will genetically be AA______EsE, further Genotype breakdown listed for each color. Rufus factoring on a steel would give brilliant red ticking. Avoid otter, self, and harlequin gene with steels as it can make quite the mess color wise.