Harlequin- a rich Orange coloring with Black or Chocolate patches. The pattern and color amount can vary wildly from a rabbit that’s mostly orange with a few sparse markings to a rabbit that’s mostly color with only a few sparse orange hairs, eyes are brown for black based and brown with slight ruby glow for chocolate based. Harlequin pattern is on the E allele and is recessive to Full extension but dominate to non extension. Genotype for Black based is A-B-C-D-ej-, at-B-C-D-ej-, or aa-B-C-D-ej- and Chocolate Based is A-bbC-D-ej-, at-bbC-D-ej-, aabbC-D-ej- (the otter and self based need to be ejej on the E allele to present good clean harlequin color, other wise tort markings can appear and muddy the color) since pattern/color can vary so much the kits can also vary in color and pattern when born.
Dilute Harlequin - a rich Cream coloring with Blue or Lilac patches. The pattern and color amount can vary wildly from a rabbit that’s mostly cream with a few sparse markings to a rabbit that’s mostly color with only a few sparse cream hairs, eyes are blue grey for blue based and lilac grey with slight ruby glow for lilac based. Harlequin pattern is on the E allele and is recessive to Full extension but dominate to non extension. Genotype for blue based is A-B-C-ddej-, at-B-C-ddej-, or aa-B-C-ddej- and Chocolate Based is A-bbC-ddej-, at-bbC-ddej-, aabbC-ddej- (the otter and self based need to be ejej on the E allele to present good clean harlequin color, other wise tort markings can appear and muddy the color). Since color/ pattern can vary widely so can kit coloring/marking.
*Something to note about harlequin is while recessive to full extension, if a full extension or a steel carries harlequin you can still see the harlequin effects in the coat. There are two kinds of harlequins, the above are the Japenese Harlequin. The other type is called Magpie Harlequin which is covered under the chinchilla color genetics. Some people tend to call Japanese Harlequin, Harli or just Harlequin. However, I wanted to clarify that the harlequin is the "calico" style look and comes in two different shades. Japanese contains rufus, Magpie does not because the chinchilla gene does not allow rufus and it is replaced with white.