Otter group is recessive to agoutis but dominate to self colors. Don’t complicate your life with otters by crossing in any Steel gene or harlequin gene.
Black Otter- a deep black with tan markings where agouti markings would be present, eyes brown. Kits are born black with agouti like markings and mature to have the tan in the markings. Genotype is at-B-C- D-E- (you can also add high rufus gene to these to make the tan markings a rich red color, or umbros to make the markings very difficult to see [sometimes referred to as ghost otter])
Blue Otter- a deep blue with tan markings where agouti markings would be present, eyes blue grey. Kits are born blue with white agouti like markings and mature to have the tan in the markings. Genotype is at-B-C-ddE- ( you can also have high rufus to give the markings a brilliant orange coloring, or umbros to make the markings very difficult to see [sometimes referred to as ghost otter]).
Chocolate Otter- A deep Chocolate with tan markings where agouti markings would be present, eyes brown with a slight ruby glow. Kits are born Chocolate with white agouti like markings and as they mature they gain the tan coloring in the markings. Genotype is at-bbC-D-E- ( you can also have high rufus to make the markings a rich red color, or umbros to make the markings very difficult to see [sometimes referred to as ghost otter])
Lilac Otter- A deep Lilac with tan markings where agouti markings would be present, eyes are a grey lilac color with slight ruby glow. Kits are born lilac with white agouti like markings that gain the tan coloring as they mature. Genotype is at-bbC-ddE- ( you can also have high rufus to make the markings a rich red color, or umbros to make the markings very difficult to see [sometimes referred to as ghost otter])
Fox Otter- Fox otter is a combo of the otter gene from the A allele and non extension from the E allele. Fox otter can be in all 4 base color. They look like a super smutty fawn or poorly marked tort with otter markings. Kits would be an orange tan/pink color with sooty markings present that get darker as they mature. Genotypes: Black based fox at-B-C-D-ee Chocolate based fox at-bbC-D-ee Blue based fox at-B-C-ddee Lilac based fox at-bbC-ddee
You could have harlequinized fox as well (please don’t but if you must on the E allele you could have eje instead of ee, the harlequinzed ones would be a mess of sooty/torty/agouti and patchy color of harlequin).